Doggy Daycare

TailTopia dog daycare is a place where friendly social dogs can interact in a safe supervised environment. Drop your dog off on the way to work for the day, running errands, or busy with family. The dogs are given a personality assessment and placed into one of our play areas. Dogs are supervised to make sure they play well together. Don’t be surprised if your dog may not want to go home after romping and chasing with their new friends. Remember a well exercised dog is a healthy and happy dog. TailTopia dog daycare program is designed to provide your pooch with activities to stimulate him both mentally and physically while reinforcing social skills and polite behavior with both humans and other dogs. It is an excellent way for busy dog parents to meet the exercise and social needs of their dogs. We follow the AKC recommended ratio of one team member to a maximum of 15 dogs. Our staff is extensively trained in dog behavior and body language and receives continuing education for as long as they work at TailTopia. All of our staff members are also canine CPR certified. We engage in structured activities with our daycare attendees that accommodate all play styles and energy levels, which in turn promotes a happy, well-behaved dog! There are several options within our daycare membership program to best fit your schedule and your dog's specific needs. Members will receive special pricing and discounts on various services, as well as priority access for extra daycare days and boarding reservations. Each option is explained more fully in the FAQ section. If membership isn't the right fit for you, there are also non-member options so your dog can still enjoy our daycare program! Please see our FAQ page for more detailed information.  
Membership Overview
Unlimited Plan Overview An Unlimited daycare membership is a recurring membership as many days as you would like during the month, including weekends. The only exception is holidays that we are closed. Unlimited Membership Perks:
  • Guaranteed spot for your best friend everyday until the membership is canceled
  • Deeply discounted daycare pricing
  • Daycare available 7 days a week during normal operating hours*
  • Overnight stays in our daycare room for only $18 a day*
  • Priority access for spa services*
  • One free nail trim per month
  • Automatic recurring billing on the first of every month
  • Guaranteed Holiday photos
  • Membership may be shared*
  • Additional dogs in the same family will receive a 15% discount off additional unlimited memberships
Limited Plan Overview A limited daycare membership is a recurring membership for a select number of days per week based on the plan of your choice. Limited Membership Perks:
  • Guaranteed spot for your best friend every day until the membership is canceled
  • Discounted daycare pricing
  • Overnight stays in our daycare room for only $18 a day*
  • Priority access for spa services*
  • 50% off nail trims once a month
  • Automatic recurring billing on the first of every month
  • Guaranteed Holiday photos
  • Membership may be shared*
  • Additional dogs in the same family will receive a 10% discount off additional limited memberships
  • Priority access for extra daycare days at member price; $35*
Non-Membership Those opting to not join a membership plan may attend daycare on a limited availability basis at full cost of $42. A few reservations will be reserved each day for non-members. Unscheduled / Last Minute Drop-Ins A limited number of slots will be made available each day for unscheduled or last-minute drop-ins. Unscheduled daycare for non-members is $55 and unscheduled daycare for members is $42. *See FAQ's for more information and details
Member Pricing
Unlimited Membership$660/mo
Three times a week$446/mo
Two times a week$302/mo
Once a week$151/mo
Unscheduled drop off$45
Schedule Additional Days$38
Boarding fee for members only in our daycare room$20
Non-Member Pricing
Single Day$42
Unscheduled / last minute drop-off$55
After-Hour Fees: $1 per minute *Daycare with boarding receives the member price of $35
Membership & Non-Membership FAQ's
What does weekend daycare consist of?
Unlimited daycare memberships include the option for weekend daycare. Dogs will be allowed to free roam daycare during daytime operating hours. There will be a rotating staff member monitoring, however, it will not be a traditional daycare day with activities.
What are extra daycare days for limited members?
Limited daycare plans are available in one, two, or three day a week plan. If you need an additional day here and there, by having a membership plan you and your pet are given priority to reserve those days over non-members. Extra daycare days are charged at membership pricing of $35 per day.
Does priority access for overnight stays in daycare area mean even if you are full for boarding, I will still get a spot?
Yes! Overnight stays in daycare for daycare membership dogs are always guaranteed and are charged at $18 per day.
What does an overnight stay in daycare area consist of?
The dog will be free to roam in the indoor/outdoor daycare area from 6am-9pm daily. The only exception is during the lunch hour from 11:30am-12:30pm. They will be crated in an appropriately sized crate with water (and food if applicable) available from 9pm-6am and over the lunch hour.
How is the overnight stay charged?
  • Unlimited members pay a flat rate of $18 per day for overnight stays in daycare. Limited members will need to purchase additional daycare days if boarding over non-typical daycare days (ex. if you have purchased a daycare membership for your dog to attend daycare on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but your pet is boarding from Tuesday to Friday, you will need to purchase the additional daycare days of Wednesday and Friday plus the additional $18 overnight charge).
  • Weekend overnight stays will not require the purchase of additional daycare days since it is not a typical daycare day. Weekend overnight stays will not deduct days from your plan - you will be charged a flat rate of $18 per day.
What if I don't want my dog boarded in a crate in daycare? Will I still receive priority boarding access?
Due to the limited number of standard and deluxe suites available, priority can only be given for overnight daycare stays. Boarding in standard or deluxe suites will be offered at the full boarding price and on a first come/first serve basis.
Can I still purchase add-ons if my dog is boarding in daycare overnight?
Yes! Add-ons can still be purchased for the usual price.
Are non-members able to board their dogs for overnight stays in the daycare area?
Availability will vary. Please call for more information.
Can a membership be shared?
Yes! Any dogs in the same family may share plans. When sharing an Unlimited plan, dogs MUST come to daycare on different days. For example, Henry and Rosco are in the same family and Henry attends daycare on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday while Rosco attends Tuesday and Thursday. Their family may purchase one unlimited plan to be shared for both dogs. You may also share a limited membership plan between dogs.
If I share a plan amongst multiple family dogs and one is unable to come to daycare on their scheduled day, can the other attend on those days?
Yes! Since you can share plans amongst family dogs, you may switch days between the dogs as needed.
Will I lose priority if I take a break between my daycare memberships?
Yes. You will lose priority over the time-period that your membership lapses. If you know you are not going to use your membership for a month's time, you may suspend your membership for a one-month time-period for a $35 holding fee.
Can I purchase a membership plan at any time?
Memberships are limited and based on availability to ensure a proper staff to dog ratio. Memberships are sold on a first come/first serve basis.
What new activities will be included in the cost of the membership plans?
Some of the new activities will include ice cream socials, foam fun Fridays, positive reinforcement training-based skill sets, group hikes, sensory garden exploration, scent activities, splash pads, water play, etc.
What if I want to start my dog(s) membership mid-month?
The cost of the membership would be pro-rated for the unlimited membership based on the remaining days in the month. The limited membership cost would be based on the number of scheduled days planned for the month.
Will I get a notification if an activity is planned for a specific day in case I want my dog to be able to participate?
Special activity days will  be posted on Facebook. All others will be spread out throughout the week to allow maximum participation.
What does priority access for spa services mean?
We will get your dog scheduled for grooming services within the week.
General FAQ's
What Is Doggy Daycare?
Doggy Daycare is an environment where dogs are dropped off for the day to play with other dogs in a fun, safe, well-supervised and clean environment. Doggy Daycare has many benefits including:
  • Provides regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight
  • Relieves boredom, separation anxiety, and destructive behavior at home
  • Improves socialization with dogs and people
  • Enhances quality of life
What are the vaccine requirements for my dog?
Veterinarian certificate indicating the current vaccination proof of:
  • Rabies
  • Distemper (DHPP), puppies must have completed the series and be at least 12 weeks in age
  • Bordetella Vaccine (Kennel Cough) yearly but recommended every 6 months
  • Recommended Monthly flea and tick preventative medication.
  • Highly Recommended Canine influenza
Titers are accepted with proper documentation
What happens if my pet gets injured or sick at your facility?
In the case of an illness or injury, we will make every attempt to contact you or your emergency contact. In the event that no contact can be made, Tail Topia will assume the role and seek veterinary attention. We reserve the right to choose the veterinary clinic of our choice, we will always try your veterinarian first. In this case, all veterinary costs incurred will be the responsibility of the owner and a nominal veterinary transport fee will also be applied.
My dog is not fixed. Can they still come to your facility?
Tail Topia does not require your pet be spayed or neutered prior to boarding. However, they are required to be fixed for daycare after six months. Exceptions are made for dogs who start younger than six months. Dogs in heat or who excessively mark may be charged and additional fee.
What if my dog is on medication?
We can give vitamins, pills, topical and insulin medications as specified. Please make sure all medication is clearly labeled and dosage instructions are included. There is no additional fee for medicine.
Can I call to check on my pet?
Absolutely! Please call during our business hours of 7am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday, and 12pm -6pm on Sundays to get an update on your pet. Please note we are closed daily for lunch from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. You may also write us an email to check-in, but realize that email is not the fastest way to get information, as we generally only check in once a day. We will also send you pictures of your pet while you are away if you choose. We are also working on getting a video system to allow you to sign in and view your pet while you are away.
What is a trial day?
All dogs must be evaluated before being allowed into daycare. All trial days must me made in person or over the phone. We only allow 2 trial day dogs a day. All dogs must arrive before 8:00am for their trail day and vaccines and negative fecal must be up to date.
My dog does not get along with other dogs, can he/she still attend daycare?
Unfortunately, NO. Daycare is designed for the social dog. Dogs must play well with each other and have no aggression issues. Our trial day is to evaluate your dog and see if they are a good fit.
What are your pick-up/drop-off hours?
We offer Doggy Daycare Monday through Friday from 7am to 6 pm. You can pick up or drop off your pets anytime during these hours. Please note we are closed daily for lunch from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. We also offer extended accommodations from 6am to 9pm for an additional fee. We are closed to customers on New Year’s Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas. We also close at noon the day before Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. For Memorial Day & Labor Day, we are only open between 1 and 5 pm and normally do not offer daycare on those days.